什么哲人曾说过,博古而通今。咱们也不好不讲点历史装装样子,下面我就copy paste一段吧!
The first known hedge fund was created by Alfred Winslow Jones in 1949. His fund should look familiar to today’s hedge fund participants. The fund was organized as a limited partnership and used private placement rules to avoid registration. It invested primarily in common stocks and used moderate leverage to carry long and short positions modestly larger than the fund capital.
The number of hedge funds has grown significantly, and there are many different types of hedge funds. But this first hedge fund bears a close resemblance to the most common hedge fund strategy today, called long/short equity.
During the early years of the hedge fund industry (1950s — 1 970s), the term ‘hedge fund” as used to describe the hedging strategy used by managers at the time “Hedging” refers to the hedge fund manager making additional trades in an attempt to counterbalance any risk involved with the existing positions in the portfolio. Hedging can be accomplished in many different ways but the most basic technique is to purchase a long position and a secondary short position in a similar security. This is used to offset price fluctuations and is an effective way of neutralizing the effects of market conditions.
Today, the term “hedge fund” tells an investor nothing about the underlying investment activities, similar to the term “mutual fund”. So how do you figure out what the hedge fund manager does? You are able to figure out a little more about the underlying investment activities by understanding the trading/investment strategies that the hedge fund manager states he trades. The ‘investment strategy” is the investment approach or the techniques used by the hedge fund manager to have positive returns on the investments If a manager says he trades long/short equity then you know he is buying undervalued equities and selling overvalued equities Although this description is the long/short equity strategy at its most basic, it is important to understand the strategies that the manager says.
对冲基金公司跟别的小公司区别在哪里?第一,他有钱。第二,他用的support businesses特别多,比如说:prime brokers,administrators,compliance consultants,systems providers,Hedge Fund consultants,corporate communication firms,accountants, lawyers等等,对了,还有保险公司。
对冲基金公司用这么多support businesses我们能看出什么?第一,对冲基金公司经理必须得学会用consultancy firms。(这个里面还真有些技巧,有时间我可以给大家说说我的经验。咱得少花钱多办事。)第二,对冲基金公司要有一个强大的operation部门,这个我会在人力资源那章讲。
1) ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; 商业机会。
2) ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; 短期,中期,长期的目标。
3) ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; 对冲基金公司的性质,所有权分配,资本的投入。
开对冲基金公司容易,但开什么样的好呀?Partnership? ; LLC? 甚至是sole。开什么样的对冲基金公司主要是由tax efficiency 决定的。但是还有其他因素。这个其他因素就包括将来你要怎么样呀?跟policy makers之间的那点事(你是想让policy makers帮你说话时候容易点?还是怎么样?我将在corporate communication那一章具体说说这个事)咱们学过点经济学的都知道,任何一个政策都有side effects,你开什么样的对冲基金公司这个决策也有side effects,这就需要决策者进行平衡一下。
4) ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; 法律与监管环境。
现在监管一天比一天严了,还象第三条一样,给个律师的名录。他们比我专业多了。再给两个网站,大伙看看,这网站主要是行业新闻,这些新闻需要我们自己分析。http://www.hedgeweek.com/index.asp 和http://www.fsa.gov.uk/
5) ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; 对冲基金公司的投资策略,特点,方法。